For the frum woman age 50+

Tap into the power of community.

Connect with a global group of like-minded women.

If you’ve been dreaming of...

a community of women just like you with shared wisdom, values, and struggles
a place to share the wisdom you’ve earned, to engage in stimulating conversations
a group of trusted friends to turn to for “been-there-done-that” insight

… JWOW!’s new membership program makes those dreams come true.

Here's how it all began

Sara Brejt
Sara, a “recovering attorney” while raising her children, now teaches at Baltimore’s Women’s Institute of Torah.
Miriam Hendeles
Miriam, a teacher, music therapist, and published author is passionate about healing through song… and bonding with her (sticky- fingered) grandchildren.
Faigie Horowitz
Columnist, content creator, nonprofit board member, and rebbetzin, Faigie Horowitz lives in Lawrence with too many closets to manage.
Miriam Liebermann
Published author, inspirational speaker, and Empty Nest panelist, Miriam loves sharing her passion for craft, music, nature and life!
We’re Miriam, Faigie and Miriam.

We were a group of friends (including our co-founder, Sara Brejt, who has since moved on), chatting and swapping insights about our unique stage: empty nesting, evolving relationships, work-life balance and new opportunities, all illuminated by Torah teachings.

And we saw what you see:

Lack of a conversation between midlife women in the Torah community, and minimal coverage of our unique stage in the media.

So we set out to create what was missing for us:

A paradigm for, and recognition of, the 21st century midlife Jewish woman.

And we want to expand our conversation to include you!
So, Jewish Women of Wisdom, known as JWOW!, was born and our membership launched — to nurture authentically vulnerable dialogue, connection and communication between Jewish women of wisdom.

Where did our name come from?

60 is the age of wisdom, we are taught in Pirkei Avos (5:24) “ben shishim l’ziknah.”

What is ziknah? Zeh shekanah chochmah – the one who has acquired wisdom.

We women, age 50+, approaching 60 and beyond, acquiring wisdom along the way, with Hashem’s help will continue to flourish and grow, above and beyond!.

And so, with the gift of time, we are evolving into Jewish Women of Wisdom.

JWOW! has been featured in:
Close your eyes for a minute and imagine...

Sharing with women who value your wisdom and insight

Being a part of a strong, close-knit community of Torah-minded, growth-seeking, positive women

Connecting comfortably with other women, sharing new ideas and gaining new perspectives

Swapping relevant tips and tricks

Knowing you have a place to turn to for advice, guidance and insight

Encouraging and being encouraged by a group of friends cheerleading you on your journey

Accessing an easy-to-use forum of friends from your home

Engaging in stimulating conversations

That’s what you get when you join

JWOW!’s membership

What’s included in the JWOW! membership?

1 full year of...

The online forum

It’s a virtual coffee date — with women from around the world … all from the comfort of your own home!

Login from your home computer and join in conversations by posting messages, asking questions, offering insight and making friends.

The forum is broken down by topic, so you can post relevant questions regarding anything on your mind: navigating dating at a later stage, career changes, empty nesting, involvement (or not?) in adult children’s lives, health and fitness, community, volunteering and book club discussions.


JWOW! moderators monitor conversations and ensure that Torah values are upheld to ensure every member feels safe, respected and comfortable.

Curated conversation

Breakaway rooms enable conversations to stay targeted and on track. If there’s a conversation you’re looking for or a topic you are eager to discuss… a relevant channel or thread will be there for you.

Automatic access to all JWOW! Zoom events

JWOW!’s events are entertaining, engaging and educational — packed with value.

We discuss relevant topics, enjoy panel discussions and open the floor to gain new insights and perspectives.

The events cover topics that are close to our (collective!) hearts, such as friendship, happiness, personal growth, family relationships, book clubs, meaningful interviews and the like.

Plus, JWOW!’s signature breakout rooms enable women to gather in smaller groups on Zoom, to take the conversation further.

Women enjoy the camaraderie, learning and connection of the stimulating events and leave excitedly, eagerly anticipating the next one.

Now that we’ve moved to Zoom, events are available to everyone, everywhere.

Exclusive insightful articles

Get articles delivered to your email inbox that provide valuable resources, food-for-thought and fresh perspectives.

10% off the Uplift Magazine

The recently launched Uplift Magazine, created for Jewish women, by Jewish women, is available in print and digital formats and explores a wide variety of subjects.

JWOW! members receive a special offer of 10% off the annual subscription (4 issues per year).

Through JWOW!’s online forum you access a large group of women with whom to share wisdom and insightful conversation… and maybe even swap recipes.

And it's all at your fingertips

Plus the forum is ...
Low-tech and easy to use
Moderated to maintain our high standards
Comfortable and safe, including an option to post anonymously
And you get one year’s access for cheaper than just one dinner out.

Women who've joined JWOW! events say...

“Refreshing to sit among women of the same age and stage... there are common denominators''
“It was refreshing to sit among other women of the same age and stage. We all seem to understand each other.

We're spending our lives raising Torahdig families, pursuing similar goals, enduring similar struggles and challenges.

We look forward to spending the rest of our lives, ad meah v’esrim, continuing to have nachas from our families and growing in avodas Hashem.

We all have wisdom to share, and there's so much we can learn from each other."
Baltimore event attendee
“The networking and connecting with like-minded women is powerful and enjoyable
“Having a support group for Jewish women of a certain age, who have most of their kids out of the house and have different concerns from younger married women, is crucial.

It’s supportive to connect with women with similar concerns and interests who can engage in conversation about interesting and important topics:

Transitioning careers
Mother-in-law stereotypes
How to be a more effective grandmother

The networking and connecting with like-minded women is powerful and enjoyable.”
Judy Resnick, Bayswater NY
“JWOW!’s insightful events set me thinking, and the socializing is a treat
“JWOW!’s unique open forum enabling me to speak with people my age, who share the same interests, and goals of making an impact before we go elsewhere are valuable.

At this stage of empty nesting, we need to be stimulated, without being too involved in our children’s lives. We need to nurture ourselves and develop our own meaningful lives.

We’re active and necessary to ourselves and society.

JWOW!’s insightful events set me thinking, and the socializing is a treat.”
Raizel Paperman, Creitel, France
Supportive and interesting''
JWOW! provides a wonderful support group, a warm camaraderie with women at the same stage of life.

As my children grow older and my home empties, my parenting has to shift and I am learning to relate to adult and married children.

The discussions about how to deal with new issues and dynamics that come along with the stage were supportive and interesting!”
Devorah Klein, Baltimore, MD
“Relationship with women aiming to achieve
“I love the emails. JWOW!’s event was enlightening. I value the camaraderie it brings.

I enjoyed hearing many different opinions and ideas on the grandparenting stage and how women deal with different issues.

I greatly appreciate JWOW!'s agenda; I particularly value connecting with other women who are seeking to grow and accomplish.
Rebecca Novak, Lawrence, NY

Wouldn't you love to share your wonderful world of wisdom?

You’ll no longer
Because with JWOW!’s membership you get
Cultivate talents
Savor camaraderie
Nurture creativity
Develop relationships

Enjoy the Journey!

JWOW!'s Membership

Tap into the power of community.

You want to best support your married children, and we support you on that journey. Put your email in the form below and get clarity and guidance on acing mother-in-lawhood.
Get 12 months of:
$65 per year

Questions? We’d love to help. Email us at

Gain support and friendship, like these women did

“Supportive and interesting”

JWOW! provides a wonderful support group, a warm camaraderie with women at the same stage of life. As my children grow older and my home empties, my parenting has to shift and I am learning to relate to adult and married children. The discussions about how to deal with new issues and dynamics that come along with the stage were supportive and interesting!
— Devorah Klein, Baltimore MD

“Relationship with women aiming to achieve”

I love the emails. I particularly value connecting with other women who are seeking to grow and accomplish. I value the camaraderie it brings. JWOW!’s event was enlightening. I enjoyed hearing many different opinions and ideas on the grandparenting stage and how women deal with different issues.
— Rebecca Novak, Lawrence NY
of attendees
0 s

Will you be at the next one?

“I would love to join, but first I’m wondering…”

Wise questions you might be asking before signing up.

If you’re slightly tech savvy — or willing to learn — we’re confident you’ll quickly learn your way around the forum. The unique membership forum, built especially for JWOW!, was designed to be simple to learn and easy to navigate.

PLUS, our volunteer moderators will help ease your transition by being available to answer any questions you have.
We get it. Some personal details just don’t need to be broadcasted to the world. That’s why our forum allows you to post and respond anonymously, so you feel safe and comfortable at all times.
This is not a place for “nebach, oh poor me”. This is a venue to discuss new situations, to learn new methods of dealing with ourselves, our families and our lives, in a friendly atmosphere of camaraderie. Not as a support group; perhaps a sisterhood, or a chevrah, if you will.

We’re looking to encourage, inspire and perhaps even empower one another.

And if you’re managing beautifully, please share your approach and skill set with our chevrah!

When we’ve held in-person programs in Lakewood, Brooklyn, Lawrence, Monsey and Baltimore, the women found the conversations to be engaging and energizing. Many women simply did not want to leave and lingered on afterwards for quite a while continuing the discussions we had initiated.


You sign up with one easy payment of $65 that covers your membership for 12 months. Your membership will be automatically renewed after 12 months. You’ll get a reminder a week before we charge your card!

Do you check these boxes? Do you have Torah values and are energetic, seeking to connect, learn, and grow? Then yes, you’re a perfect fit for the JWOW! program and we’d love to have you!

You’ll be joined by women who check all those boxes too, who want to make an impact on their families and communities, fill their time productively, be proactive in improving their lives, and develop meaningful friendships.

You don’t have to go it alone.

Join the JWOW! membership for camaraderie, collective wisdom and growth.
Let’s embrace the journey… together!